My Dog Likes to Disco
From the book My Dog Likes to Disco
My dog likes to disco
on TikTok for fun.
He’d rather start dancing
than go for a run.
My dog likes to wiggle
and jiggle and jump.
He bobbles his noggin
and wriggles his rump.
And when he’s done dancing,
this doggy of mine
will pick up his cell phone
and post it online.
He puts up a video
once every day
so people can watch
as he wiggles away.
He started on TikTok
for something to do,
and now he’s on YouTube
and Instagram too.
He’s trending on Twitter
and Facebook as well.
I guess that I should have
been able to tell.
You see, when I rescued
my dog from the pound,
the sign said, “Purebred
social media hound.”
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Animal Poems, Dancing, Science and Technology Poems
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Anthropomorphism & Personification, Assonance, Descriptive Poems, Pun Poems
Word Count: 126
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From the book My Dog Likes to Disco
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