I’m Wearing My Parrot
A Funny St. Patrick's Day Poem for Kids
From the book The Elephant Repairman
I’m wearing my parrot on top of my hair.
My snake’s in the sleeve of my shirt.
My lizard is lounging around on my pack.
My frog is attached to my skirt.
My grasshopper’s hopping on top of my socks.
My turtle is perched on my toes.
I dressed up this way since it’s St. Patrick’s Day,
and I don’t have any green clothes.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 2
Topics: Animal Poems, Holiday Poems, St. Patrick's Day
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Assonance, Descriptive Poems, Imagery
Word Count: 69
About This Poem
With St. Patrick’s Day coming up, I thought it might be fun to write about wearing green. But what do you do if you don’t own any green clothes? You might have to find something else green that you could put on. The kid in this poem came up with a pretty clever solution.
From the book The Elephant Repairman
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