I’m Counting the Days until Christmas
I’m counting the days until Christmas.
I’m counting them down one by one.
I’m checking my calendar daily
and crossing them off just for fun.
I’m counting the days until Christmas.
It’s something I do every year.
It’s always exciting to count them.
I can’t wait till Christmas is here.
I’m counting the days until Christmas.
I started at three sixty-five.
I just have to count down to zero,
and then Christmas Day will arrive.
I’m counting the days until Christmas.
I still have to count a few more.
Because it’s the day after Christmas,
my count is now three sixty-four.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 2
Topics: Christmas, Holiday Poems
Poetic Techniques: Irony, Lyric & Dramatic Poems, Repetition
Word Count: 108
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