Frog Ball
From the book The Tighty-Whitey Spider
In summertime, and through the fall,
whenever frogs are playing ball,
it’s normally a boring show,
for frogs do not know how to throw,
or bat, or steal, or slide, or run,
which means their games are never fun.
Instead, they simply sit around
the outfield and the pitcher’s mound
and hope that someone hits the ball
and sends it sailing toward the wall,
for this should come as no surprise:
They’re always good at catching flies.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2010. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 4
Topics: Animal Poems, Sports, Wordplay
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Anthropomorphism & Personification, Descriptive Poems, Pun Poems
Word Count: 79
From the book The Tighty-Whitey Spider
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