From the book The Elephant Repairman
Hello, my name is AstroCow.
I’m deep in outer space right now.
I’m off to visit distant stars.
I’ve seen the moon. I’ve been to Mars.
I’ve done the most amazing things.
I soared through Saturn’s massive rings.
I checked out Neptune. Pluto too.
Then out among the stars I flew.
I built this awesome rocket ship
to take an interstellar trip,
and travel through the galaxy
to find a home for cows like me.
You see, I used to live on Earth.
It was my home, my place of birth.
But now I search for somewhere new;
somewhere they don’t serve barbecue.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 2
Topics: Animal Poems, Food Poems, Science and Technology Poems, Space
Poetic Techniques: Anthropomorphism & Personification, Assonance, Irony, Narrative Poems, Superlatives
Word Count: 104
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About This Poem
Many years ago, I wrote a poem called “I Have to Write a Poem,” in which I described how I couldn’t write a poem even though I had to. That, by the way, was sort of a true story. I had to write a poem that day, but didn’t know what to write about, so I just wrote down the words, “I have to write a poem” to see where it would go from there. That poem ended up being about a cow from outerspace named “AstroCow.” You’ll find it in my book The Tighty-Whitey Spider.
For this poem, I thought I would write a poem about an explorer, but I decided it would be funnier if the explorer were an animal that doesn’t usually do much exploring, such as a cow. In addition, I thought it would be fun to have the cow explore someplace unusual, like outer space. So I ended up re-using the name “AstroCow” for this poem, even though it is a completely different story.
I hope you enjoy the further adventures of AstroCow!
Click here for a printable worksheet for this poem
From the book The Elephant Repairman
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