Aardvark, Aawesome Aardvark
Aardvark, aawesome aardvark,
you’re aamazing aand aastounding.
You’re aattractive aand aapealing,
with aamenity aabounding.
Aah, your snout is truly tubular.
Your tongue is aawfully sticky,
which aallows your mouth in places
inaccessible aand tricky.
Your aagility’s aastonishing,
it’s fun to watch you routing
with your paws aand claws aand tail aand
your aanteriorish snouting.
I aadore you aabsolutely.
I could sit aall day aand marvel
aas you suction aants aand aanything
aat aall remotely larval.
For I once had aants aand termites
in my living room aand back room.
Now they’re aabsent since you came aalong,
my aawesome aardvark vacuum.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2001. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 5
Topics: Animal Poems
Word Count: 103
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