
Suspense by Kenn Nesbitt

Welcome to Poetry4kids. I’m Kenn Nesbitt. A couple of years ago my friend, the children’s poet Janet Wong, asked if I would contribute a poem to an anthology she was creating with children’s literature professor Sylvia Vardell called Things We Feel. She gave me several photos to choose from as inspiration, and I particularly liked one of a young boy tossing a bowling ball. It made me think about that moment of suspense—the thrill, the hope, and the uncertainty you feel as soon as the ball leaves your hands.

As with other books in this series (Things We Do, Things We Wear, and Things We Eat), 100% of the profits will be donated to the IBBY Children in Crisis Fund, a cause I’m proud to support.


I make a wish.
I close my eyes.
I toss my ball.
Away it flies.
I don’t know what
my ball will do.
I pray it travels
straight and true.
But, though I hope
with all my might,
I know it could
roll left or right.
It might become
a gutter ball,
or strike the pins
and dash them all.
I hold my breath.
I feel a thrill
like time is stopped
and standing still,
and anything
is possible
the moment that
you toss a ball.

— Kenn Nesbitt