Welcome to Poetry4kids. I’m Kenn Nesbitt. Today I’m sharing a poem inspired by one of the more unusual pets my family had when I was a kid—a boa constrictor! Our boa was a wonderful pet—gentle, calm, and friendly—but I know that many people find snakes scary, even harmless ones. That got me thinking: what if a boa could tell its own story about being misunderstood? Here’s my poem, “It’s Lonely as a Boa.” I hope you enjoy it!
It’s lonely as a boa.
Though I’m just a simple snake,
people frequently will see me
and begin to sob and shake.
They expect that I may hurt them,
but that simply isn’t true.
So, you shouldn’t get unsettled
when I wriggle up your shoe.
If I slide a little higher,
it’s okay to stay at ease.
It’s a sign of my affection
if I slip around your knees.
You can tell I’m being friendly
when you notice you’re embraced
by my kind and calm caresses
as I wind around your waist.
If you sense a tender tickle
as I slither up your arm,
you can rest assured I certainly
don’t mean you any harm.
And I always love a hug, so if
I wrap around your chest,
this is just my way of telling you
I think that you’re the best.
Yes, it’s lonely as a boa,
being so misunderstood.
If you knew the real me, you’d see
I’m peaceful, sweet, and good.
I’m as harmless as a kitten.
I’m as gentle as a breeze.
And you needn’t be afraid
until you feel me start to squeeze.
— Kenn Nesbitt