Brand New Cat

Brand New Cat by Kenn Nesbitt

Welcome to Poetry4kids. I’m Kenn Nesbitt. Today, I want to share a new poem that’s based on a true story.

I have a cat named Reed. You might think I named him that because I like to read, but really it’s because he was rescued from a summer camp called Camp Reed.

When I first got Reed, he was just a tiny kitten. I remember how he loved to play and explore, but one thing he really liked to do was scratch. I don’t mean he liked to scratch the furniture or the curtains. I mean he liked to scratch ME.

Even though Reed is now a full-grown cat, he still scratches me sometimes, especially when he gets tired of me petting him too much. This poem is inspired by my experiences with Reed and how much I love him, despite all the scratches. I hope you enjoy “Brand New Cat.”

Brand New Cat

I got myself a brand new cat,
a teeny-tiny kitten.
She’s smaller than your average cat.
She fits inside a mitten.
I’m so in love with my new cat,
it’s fair to say I’m smitten.
I’m also scratched and scraped and scarred
and sliced and slashed and bitten.

— Kenn Nesbitt