The Dentist Pulled My Tooth Out

Poetry Theater

A poem in two voices

The Dentist Pulled My Tooth Out by Kenn Nesbitt

Adapted from the poem by Kenn Nesbitt in The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!, published by Running Press.

Summary: A child visits an overly enthusiastic dentist.

Presentation Suggestions: Have the students read or perform the poem in front of the class. Have the students act out the different lines while they read them.

Props: A lab coat and pliers would be great props, but if they are not available the poem can be performed without them. At the end of the poem, have the child character stretch their lips over their teeth to appear toothless.

Delivery: The lines of the poem should be read with poetic rhythm. For tips on reciting poetry, please read this post about How to Recite a Poem Like an Expert.


The Dentist Pulled My Tooth Out


The dentist pulled my tooth out
and he thought it was such fun
he grabbed his pliers
and dental pryers
and pulled another one.


“Yippee! Hooray! What awesome fun!”


he shouted out with glee.
He grinned a grin
then went back in
and pulled out number three.

Then number four and number five
and numbers six and seven
were followed by
a cheerful cry


“Eight! Nine! Ten! Eleven!”


He took a few more from the top
and some from underneath,
he yanked them fast
until at last
he’d pulled out all my teeth.

Without my teeth I cannot chew;
I just eat soup and mush.
But don’t be sad
I’m kind of glad–
I’ll never have to brush!


Copyright © 2001 by Kenn Nesbitt. Adapted from the poem by Kenn Nesbitt in The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!, published by Running Press.

Permission is given for individual school classes to perform this play and to make as many copies of the play as are needed for the students’ use. All other reproduction and performance is prohibited. For use of this play outside individual classes, please contact me for permission.