Today I Got a Valentine
From the book Revenge of the Lunch Ladies
Today I got a Valentine
from everyone but Kay.
But that’s alright…
I never liked her that much anyway.
She never trades her Oreos.
She isn’t good at catch.
She doesn’t like my favorite bands.
Her socks don’t often match.
She doesn’t play computer games.
She wears her hair in braids.
She’s something of a teacher’s pet
and always gets good grades.
She dots her i’s with little hearts.
She’s always reading books.
Whenever I’m around, she gives me
such confusing looks.
But, oh my goodness, here comes Kay,
and what is this I see?
It seems she has an extra special
Valentine for me.
It’s big and red and has the words
“Will you be mine today?”
I always said there’s no one else
I like as much as Kay.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2007. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 1
Topics: Love Poems, School Poems, Valentine's Day
Poetic Techniques: Irony, List Poems, Narrative Poems, Repetition
Word Count: 138
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From the book Revenge of the Lunch Ladies
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