The One Thing I Won’t Eat
I don’t care how nice you ask me
there is one thing I won’t eat.
I don’t care how much you add to it
to try to make it sweet.
Not a giant pot of honey.
Not a dozen jars of jelly.
Not a sixteen-pack of soda pop
will get one in my belly.
Use a tank of maple syrup
or a truckload full of fudge.
Bring a hundred cans of frosting
but you will not make me budge.
Try a thousand pounds of chocolate
or a million tons of sugar.
I don’t care how much you sweeten it,
I will not eat a booger.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 1999. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Food Poems
Word Count: 112
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