The Monster Mattress Superstore
From the book My Hippo Has the Hiccups
The Mattress Factory Superstore
is owned by dear old Fred,
or, as he’s better known,
the Monster Underneath Your Bed.
His beds are cold and clammy
just the way a monster likes.
He also offers beds of nails
and mattresses with spikes.
His waterbeds are filled with sharks,
piranhas, eels, and squids.
But, just in case, Fred also carries
comfy beds for kids.
And Fred makes sure that every mattress
always feels alright
by checking every bed he sells you
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 5
Topics: Monster Poems, Shopping
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Descriptive Poems, Irony
Word Count: 87
From the book My Hippo Has the Hiccups
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