The Games in My Room
A Funny Videogame Poem for Kids
From the book My Cat Knows Karate
The video games that
I keep in my room,
like Tetris, Terraria,
Minecraft, and Doom,
and one about somebody
raiding a tomb,
and one with invaders from space…
They’re up on the dresser
and down on the floor.
The Legend of Zelda
and Street Fighter IV,
and Roblox, and Pac Man,
and Fortnite, and more,
are scattered all over the place.
There’s Sonic the Hedgehog
and Dragon Ball Z,
and Mario Party,
and Madden for Wii,
and FIFA 18 for the
Playstation 3.
They’re littered and strewn all around.
There’s Kidz Sports and Kirby
and Kingdom Hearts II,
Jurassic Park, Jeopardy,
Just Dance Wii U,
and don’t forget Pokemon
Red, Green, and Blue,
all over my desk and the ground.
They’re under my bed
in a battered old box.
They’re tossed in the closet
with Legos and blocks.
They’re stuffed in a drawer
with my undies and socks.
They’re thrown around every which way.
It’s kind a problem.
It’s sort of a shame.
It’s clearly my fault.
No one else is to blame.
The game I can’t locate
is always the same…
it’s the one that I’m wanting to play.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2018. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 4
Topics: Game, Science and Technology Poems
Poetic Techniques: List Poems, Rhyme Schemes
Word Count: 196
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About This Poem
I’ve noticed two things about video games. The first is that most kids like them a LOT. The second is that kids usually buy new video games without ever getting rid of the old ones, so they tend to pile up. I know kids who own dozens and dozens of video games.
The trouble is that some kids aren’t very good at organizing their video game collection, so the games wind up just about everywhere; under the bed, behind the dresser, on a bookshelf, or just in the middle of the bedroom floor.
I decided to write a poem about a kid who had so many video games that he could never find the one he wanted to play because of all the clutter. I hope you enjoy it.
Click here for a printable worksheet for this poem
From the book My Cat Knows Karate
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