Perfect Peter Paul
From the book My Cat Knows Karate
There’s no one who’s as punctual
as Perfect Peter Paul.
He’s never been a second late
for anything at all.
He owns eleven watches
that he wears upon his arms,
plus twenty seven cuckoo clocks
and forty nine alarms.
He wakes up extra early
to ensure he’s never late.
He sets his clock for half-past-three
to be to school by eight.
You’ll often find him in his room
just staring at his clocks.
Plus, everywhere that Peter goes
he runs instead of walks.
And when he gives a birthday gift
it’s guaranteed to chime.
For Peter Paul there simply is
no present like the time.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2018. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 4
Topics: Poems about Kooky Characters
Poetic Techniques: Descriptive Poems, List Poems
Word Count: 108
From the book My Cat Knows Karate
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