(to the tune of "A Bicycle Built for Two")
give me at least a clue.
I’m so sleepy
but I’ve got this homework due.
I must turn it in tomorrow,
or face a world of sorrow.
So, please, tonight
just help me write,
so my homework’s not overdue.
Sleepy, sleepy.
Can’t seem to stay awake.
All this homework
gives me a bellyache.
I’ll just close my eyes a minute.
I see no problem in it.
I open them.
It’s 8 a.m.
Uh oh, that was a big mistake.
Teacher, teacher,
give me just one more day.
My computer
caused me this long delay.
I won’t need another warning.
You’ll have it in the morning,
unless tonight,
instead of write,
my computer just wants to play.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2005. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 2
Topics: School Poems, Science and Technology Poems, Super Silly Songs
Poetic Techniques: Lyric & Dramatic Poems, Rhyme Schemes, Rhythm
Word Count: 120
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