Our Teacher’s a Football Fanatic
From the book Revenge of the Lunch Ladies
Our teacher’s a football fanatic.
It’s all that he has on his mind.
He listens to games on his headphones,
and frets when his team is behind.
He jumps up and down with they’re winning.
He screams when they fumble a pass.
We know we’re supposed to be reading,
but watching him’s simply a gas.
Our principal walked in on Friday,
and he was too angry to speak.
Our substitute started on Monday.
Our teacher’s been benched for a week.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2007. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: School Poems, Sports
Poetic Techniques: Imagery, Narrative Poems
Word Count: 86
Click here for a printable worksheet for this poem
From the book Revenge of the Lunch Ladies
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