New Year’s Day Promises
From the book A Festival for Frogs
My promises this New Year’s Day?
☑ To do my work before I play.
☑ To brush my teeth.
☑ To make my bed.
☑ To comb the hair upon my head.
☑ To try to keep my bedroom clean.
☑ To be polite and never mean.
And one more where I’m not so great…
☐ To put the right year in the date.
January 1, __________
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 1
Topics: Holiday Poems, Seasonal Poems
Poetic Techniques: Descriptive Poems, Irony, List Poems, Repetition
Word Count: 69
From the book A Festival for Frogs
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