My Christmas Travel Plan
I’m flying south for Christmas
to avoid the winter storms.
I’m heading to the beaches
where the weather’s always warm.
They say we shouldn’t travel now.
At least that’s what I’m told.
But, even so, I have to go;
it’s getting much too cold.
But you don’t need to worry.
I assure you I’ll be fine.
I think that you’ll feel better
once you’ve heard this plan of mine.
I won’t be getting on a plane;
that isn’t safe, I’ve heard.
I’m flying south for Christmas,
and I’m glad that I’m a bird.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 2
Topics: Beach Poems, Christmas, Holiday Poems, Seasonal Poems, Travel
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Irony, Narrative Poems
Word Count: 97
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