Mr. Whisper
From the book The Elephant Repairman
Mr. Whisper’s quiet.
He’s a silent sort of guy.
He whispers everything he says,
though no one quite knows why.
He murmurs, speaking softly,
and his words sound like a sigh.
His voice is barely louder than
a flapping butterfly.
You’ll have to pay attention
if you want to hear him speak.
And, yet, you may not understand;
his voice is rather weak.
It’s best to walk right up to him,
and lean in nice and near.
Then turn your head and use one hand,
or both, to cup your ear.
But if you still can’t figure out
the tale he’s trying to tell,
go get a quick translation
from his buddy, Mr. Yell.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Poems about Kooky Characters
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Descriptive Poems, Hyperbole, Irony
Word Count: 116
From the book The Elephant Repairman
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