Modern Popularity
From the book The Biggest Burp Ever
I have a half a million friends.
I’m popular. It’s true!
I like them, each and every one,
and they all like me too.
I have more friends than anybody
else you’ve ever known.
It’s nice to have so many friends.
I never feel alone.
They come from countries near and far,
from countries large and little.
Afghanistan and Zambia
and places in the middle.
From Austria to Liechtenstein,
Zimbabwe to Nepal.
My friends are from so many countries
I can’t count them all.
I hope someday I’ll meet my friends.
You see, we’ve never met.
The only way I know them all
is on the Internet.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 1
Topics: Love Poems, Science and Technology Poems
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Irony
Word Count: 109
From the book The Biggest Burp Ever
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