Liverwurst Pie
From the book My Dog Likes to Disco
Liverwurst Pie, oh, Liverwurst Pie.
The first time I tried it I thought I would die.
It tasted disgusting. I couldn’t say why.
I just knew I didn’t like Liverwurst Pie.
Liverwurst Pie, oh, Liverwurst Pie.
The next time I tried it I started to cry.
It wasn’t as bad as the first time, but why
would anyone ever eat Liverwurst Pie?
The third time I tried it I thought, my oh my,
I don’t think I’ll die, and I won’t even cry.
But still, I would tell you that I’m not a guy
who ever would learn to like Liverwurst Pie.
The fourth time I tried it—I won’t tell a lie—
I started to like eating Liverwurst Pie.
It tasted so good that I went out to buy
another big serving of Liverwurst Pie.
Liverwurst Pie, oh, Liverwurst Pie.
It might take a few times before you don’t cry.
But I recommend that you give it a try,
and, really, I mean it… I hope you don’t die.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Food Poems
Poetic Techniques: Lyric & Dramatic Poems, Repetition
Word Count: 172
From the book My Dog Likes to Disco
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