I Ran for the Chapstick
From the book The Armpit of Doom
I ran for the Chapstick mom keeps in her purse.
My lips were so chapped that they couldn’t feel worse!
I dug through her handbag and pulled it out quickly,
then sighed in relief as I smeared it on thickly.
I felt so much better I almost rejoiced.
My painful, dry lips were now mended and moist.
My dad burst out laughing. My mom looked amused.
Her Chapstick was lost. That was lipstick I’d used.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 2
Topics: Poems about Friends and Family
Poetic Techniques: Imagery, Irony, Narrative Poems
Word Count: 80
From the book The Armpit of Doom
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