I Love to Do the Laundry
From the book The Biggest Burp Ever
I love to do the laundry.
I mean it. I don’t mind
because I get to keep
whatever money I might find.
I know it sounds ridiculous.
I’m sure it must seem strange.
But every time I wash the clothes
I find some pocket change.
I found a dollar yesterday.
Today I found a ten.
I’m certain that tomorrow
I’ll find money once again.
You see, I have a strategy.
(I guess that’s what you call it.)
And sometimes I just accidentally
wash my father’s wallet.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 1
Topics: Money, Poems about Friends and Family
Poetic Techniques: Irony, Narrative Poems
Word Count: 92
From the book The Biggest Burp Ever
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