I Love Me
A Funny Love Poem for Kids
From the book The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!
I took myself out on a date
and said I’m looking grand,
and when I got my courage up
I asked to hold my hand.
I took me to a restaurant
and then a movie show.
I put my arm around me
in the most secluded row.
I whispered sweetly in my ear
of happiness and bliss,
and then I almost slapped me
when I tried to steal a kiss.
Then afterwards I walked me home
and since I’m so polite
I thanked me for a perfect date
and wished myself goodnight.
There’s just one little problem
and it kind of hurts my pride.
Myself would not invite me in
so now I’m locked outside!
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2001. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 4
Topics: Love Poems, Wacky Weirdness
Poetic Techniques: Narrative Poems, Paradox Poems
Word Count: 118
From the book The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!
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