I Helped My Mom Make Dinner
From the book A Festival for Frogs
I helped my mom make dinner.
(I like to help a lot.)
I helped make mashed potatoes
until I dropped the pot.
I helped her roast a turkey.
I helped her bake a pie.
The oven started smoking.
I really don’t know why.
I helped her set the table.
I dropped the dinner rolls.
I helped arrange the dishes.
I broke a pair of bowls.
I helped her pour the milk.
I spilled it on the floor.
I helped so much she said
she didn’t need help anymore.
— Kenn Nesbitt
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Reading Level: Grade 1
Topics: Food Poems, Poems about Friends and Family
Poetic Techniques: Irony, List Poems, Narrative Poems, Repetition
Word Count: 94
From the book A Festival for Frogs
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