Hottest Food Ever
It’s spicy. It’s burning.
It’s blazing. It’s boiling.
It’s sizzling. It’s stinging.
It’s scorching. It’s broiling.
My mouth is aflame and
my tongue is on fire.
The pepper is making
my tastebuds perspire.
I’m guzzling down water.
I’m chomping on ice.
I’m searching for something
to cut through the spice.
I’m panting. I’m moaning.
I’m whining. I’m crying.
It feels like my face and
my forehead are frying.
I guess it’s my fault and
I feel pretty silly.
I thought it was cold when
they said it was chili.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 2
Topics: Food Poems
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Hyperbole, Lyric & Dramatic Poems, Superlatives
Word Count: 92
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