Flower Girl

Flower Girl by Kenn Nesbitt

Sarah Sears, to whoops and cheers,
grew petunias from her ears.
Then with grace and savoir-faire,
sprouted tulips from her hair.
Next, she smiled and struck a pose;
orchids blossomed from her nose,
and with unexpected skill,
she produced a daffodil.
Peonies and prairie rockets
germinated from her pockets.
Poppies bloomed between her toes.
Pansies covered all her clothes.
This went on for hours and hours,
blooming petals, budding flowers,
till her parents came and got her,
taking home their floral daughter,
where, with tears upon her face,
she threw out her empty vase.
Sarah sniffed and blew her nose;
all she wanted was a rose.