Dear Santa, Here’s My Christmas List
From the book Santa Got Stuck in the Chimney
Dear Santa, here’s my Christmas list.
I hope you’ll bring it all.
I’ve only asked for gifts my parents
can’t find at the mall.
I’d like to have a UFO,
with aliens inside,
and maybe a Tyrannosaurus Rex
that I could ride.
A ninety-nine foot robot
is a present I could use.
I’ll also need a time machine,
and rocket-powered shoes.
Please bring a gentle genie
who will grant my every wish,
and don’t forget a wizard’s wand,
and, yes, a talking fish.
Of course, I’ll need a unicorn,
and won’t you please provide
a dragon, and a castle
in the English countryside.
Of course, the weight of all these things
might cause your sleigh to crash.
If that’s the case, dear Santa,
please feel free to just bring cash.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 4
Topics: Christmas, Dragons, Holiday Poems, Money, Wishes
Word Count: 137
From the book Santa Got Stuck in the Chimney
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