Coming Soon!

Coming Soon by Kenn Nesbitt

I’m building a rocket to launch into space,
to fly to the moon and all over the place.
It’s practically finished. It’s nearly all done.
If you want to come we’ll have oodles of fun.

You’ll just need a ticket reserving your place
for once-in-a-lifetime adventures in space.
The tickets right now are just fifty apiece.
But, next month, I’m sure that the cost will increase.

This voyage will be an unqualified smash,
so, line up right here and I’ll take all your cash.
And, once I’ve collected a million or more,
I’ll finish the rocket we’ll use to explore.

I promise that I will return really soon
to take everyone on that trip to the moon.
But what if I can’t make it work?
Never fear…
Your ticket will still make a great souvenir.