Big Lunch
From the book The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!
I started arranging my alphabet soup,
concocting big words to devour.
I swallowed a B U I L D I N G,
I gobbled a S T R E E T,
and then I ingested a T O W E R.
I snacked on a S U B W A Y,
I bolted a B U S,
I wolfed down a P A S S E N G E R T R A I N,
I chewed up M O N T A N A,
I gulped I N D I A N A,
then tossed down the whole S T A T E O F M A I N E.
I ate the G R A N D C A N Y O N,
I lunched on the R O C K I E S,
and A S I A, I slurped from my cup.
I would have been fine,
but I started to dine
on M Y H O M E W O R K
and then I threw up.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2001. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 10
Topics: Food Poems, School Poems
Word Count: 174
From the book The Aliens Have Landed at Our School!
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