Back-to-School Shopping
My sleeves are too short
and my jeans are too tight.
My shirt is so small
that it doesn’t fit right.
My hat is too snug
and my socks all have holes.
My shoes are worn out
on the sides and the soles.
My mom says it’s time
to go shopping for more.
She wants me to get
some new clothes at the store.
She begs and cajoles,
but I simply say, “No.
I want to stay home.
I would rather not go.”
While new ones may fit
in the sleeves and the toes,
the old ones I have
are my favorite clothes.
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 2
Topics: Poems about Friends and Family, School Poems, Shopping
Poetic Techniques: Alliteration, Descriptive Poems, Irony
Word Count: 105
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