Back From Mars
A Funny Space Poem for Kids
I’ve recently returned from Mars
I went for several years.
I rode in Martian motorcars,
bought Martian souvenirs.
I went to Martian movies
and saw Martian movie stars,
attended Martian concerts
and heard Martians play guitars.
I ate in Martian restaurants
and went to Martian schools.
I played on Martian tennis courts
and swam in Martian pools.
I hung around with Martian girls
and talked to Martian boys.
I went to Martian shopping malls
and played with Martian toys.
At last I’m back on planet Earth
from out among the stars.
So why does everyone I see here
act like they’re from Mars?
— Kenn Nesbitt
Copyright © 2001. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 5
Topics: Imaginary Poems, Science and Technology Poems, Space, Travel
Word Count: 106
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