A Sad and Lonely Cyclops
From the book My Cat Knows Karate
I’m a sad and lonely Cyclops.
I am so misunderstood.
Though I probably look fearsome
I am actually good.
I’m as harmless as a kitten.
No, I wouldn’t hurt a fly,
But my neighbors think I’m monstrous
with my solitary eye.
So they laugh at me and tease me
and they often call me names,
plus they won’t let me participate
in their Olympic games.
They won’t let me join their practices
or even watch a tryout.
So I sit at home and sniffle
and I sadly cry my eye out.
— Kenn
Copyright © 2018. All Rights Reserved.
Reading Level: Grade 3
Topics: Monster Poems, Sports
Poetic Techniques: Idioms, Imagery, Lyric & Dramatic Poems, Metaphor and Simile
Word Count: 96
From the book My Cat Knows Karate
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